English 繁體中文



9:00 AM - 10:00 AM


10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

週三 祷告会

7:30 PM - 9:30 PM




3615 164th Place SE, Bellevue,
WA 98008

Tel: 425-747-0889




日期 題目 传讲人 收听 收视 时间 下载
12/25/2011 Have Yourself A MARY Little Christmas 刘贵祥牧师 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 48:34 mp3
12/18/2011 天国(10): 奧秘的天国(II) 彭动平弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 1:18:05 mp3
12/11/2011 2011圣诞 王小谷弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 55:24 mp3
12/04/2011 主是作神僕人的标準榜样 孙国铎弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 1:10:28 mp3
11/27/2011 天国(9): 奥秘的天国 彭动平弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 1:09:18 mp3
11/20/2011 凡事谢恩 曾金臺弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 1:02:09 mp3
11/13/2011 神在我们身上所见的 王小谷弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 1:01:53 mp3
11/06/2011 神所要的 王小谷弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 46:15 mp3
10/30/2011 祷告-进入荣耀之路(六) 彭萧蔼姊妹 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 1:04:31 mp3
10/23/2011 多给的,就越多有可给的!- 三个圣经财物管理原则 彭约翰牧师 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 54:41 mp3
10/16/2011 无可推诿    handouts / 講義 李立人弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 58:47 mp3
10/09/2011 祷告-进入荣耀之路 (五) 彭萧蔼姊妹 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 1:07:59 mp3
10/02/2011 神今天仍在说话吗 王小谷弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 51:53 mp3
09/25/2011 葡萄中的新酒 彭广纯弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 1:10:39 mp3
09/18/2011 非拉铁非教会中耶稣的见证 (II) 康登弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 1:05:16 mp3
09/11/2011 祷告 ─ 进入荣耀之路 (四) 彭萧蔼姊妹 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 55:55 mp3
09/04/2011 内里生活的秘诀 孙国铎弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 1:05:18 mp3
08/28/2011 圆满结束 王小谷弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 53:12 mp3
08/21/2011 天国(8): 天国向外的开展 (II) 彭动平弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 1:03:37 mp3
08/14/2011 天国(8): 天国向外的开展 彭动平弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 61:49 mp3
08/07/2011 圣徒的风範: 摩西 张勇弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 57:47 mp3
07/31/2011 让“大使命”飞 朱永良弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 1:02:17 mp3
07/24/2011 重新开始 王小谷弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 51:41 mp3
07/17/2011 天国的智慧之子 彭动平弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 1:01:51 mp3
07/10/2011 为撒种者去撒种的人 Ka’egso & Eipeen Hery listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 46:31 mp3
07/03/2011 律法的成全 彭动平弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 54:58 mp3
06/26/2011 天堂用户指南 彭约翰牧师 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 1:04:49 mp3
06/19/2011 保罗的见证 (I) - 从个人的理想到属天的异象 张勇弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 50:08 mp3
06/12/2011 建立以基督为中心的家庭 - 忠贞於配偶 (II) 杜祖凯牧师 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 1:04:30 mp3
06/05/2011 长大成人 盛芫晶弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 1:02:50 mp3
05/29/2011 祷告 (III) 彭萧蔼姊妹 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 54:07 mp3
05/22/2011 建立以基督为中心的家庭 - 忠贞於配偶 (I) 杜祖凯牧师 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 58:41 mp3
05/15/2011 蒙召的生活 孙国铎弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 56:28 mp3
05/08/2011 主的日子 彭动平弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 55:14 mp3
05/01/2011 达到救恩更高目的的路 曾金臺弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 1:17:23 mp3
04/24/2011 我们都是为这事做见證 彭广纯弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 1:19:07 mp3
04/17/2011 祷告 (II) 彭萧蔼姊妹 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 48:07 mp3
04/10/2011 天国(7) - 天国生命的特徵 彭动平弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 1:17:34 mp3
04/03/2011 天国(7) - 将来的国度和世代的末了(II) 彭动平弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 1:04:05 mp3
03/27/2011 救恩更高的目的 曾金臺弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 1:05:35 mp3
03/20/2011 天国(6) - 将来的国度和世代的末了 彭动平弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 1:17:10 mp3
03/13/2011 期望与现实 王小谷牧师 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 58:51 mp3
03/06/2011 做门徒的代价 吴淼垚弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 1:16:10 mp3
03/04/2011 做门徒的呼召 吴淼垚弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 1:24:18 mp3
02/27/2011 祷告 彭萧蔼姊妹 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 49:19 mp3
02/20/2011 以谦卑束腰,彼此顺服 盛芫晶弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 53:40 mp3
02/13/2011 属灵同伴 彭约翰牧师 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 57:45 mp3
02/06/2011 积攒财宝在天 林敏雄弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 1:00:27 mp3
01/30/2011 帮助彼此成长 刘贵祥牧师 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 1:02:33 mp3
01/23/2011 有死亡就有盼望 王小谷牧师 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 54:19 mp3
01/16/2011 为夫为妻之学习 彭萧蔼姊妹 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 1:03:29 mp3
01/09/2011 天国国王的名字 彭动平弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 1:05:48 mp3
01/02/2011 耶稣基督的起始 (II) 彭动平弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 59:30 mp3