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3615 164th Place SE, Bellevue,
WA 98008

Tel: 425-747-0889




日期 題目 講員 收聽 收視 時間 下載
10/17/2009 因著主耶穌基督 羅黃筑玲姊妹 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 73:09 mp3
7/25/2009 詩歌見證 以馬內利詩班 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 96:11 mp3
4/25/2009 耶穌是唯一的道路嗎? 裘尚正弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 65:20 mp3
2/20/2009 弟兄和睦同居 (I) 劉志雄弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 86:00 mp3
2/21/2009 弟兄和睦同居 (II) 劉志雄弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 68:28 mp3