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2005 夏令会 - 主题:我们为何如此聚会

题目 讲员 收听 时间
第一讲 康登弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player 1:26:31
第二讲 王国显弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player 1:35:35
第三讲 康登弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player 1:19:56
第四讲 王国显弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player 1:40:44
第五讲 康登弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player 1:01:02
第六讲 王国显弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player 1:31:26

2005 美加西岸基督徒追求聚会 - 主题:十字架

题目 讲员 收听 时间
十字架与教会 (1) 江守道弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player 1:28:10
十字架与教会 (2) 江守道弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player 1:43:07
十字架与教会 (3) 江守道弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player 1:28:38
十字架与基督 (1) 蓝培德弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player 1:00:08
十字架与基督 (2) 蓝培德弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player 1:14:03
十字架与基督 (3) 蓝培德弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player 1:16:39
十字架与圣灵 (1) 陈希曾弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player 1:40:59
十字架与圣灵 (2) 陈希曾弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player 1:45:33
十字架的功课﹕生命 (1) 王国显弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player 1:41:35
十字架的功课﹕生命 (2) 王国显弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player 1:40:44
十字架的功课﹕生命 (3) 王国显弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player 1:44:51
十字架的功课﹕事奉 (1) 孫國鐸弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player 1:27:40
十字架的功课﹕事奉 (2) 孙国铎弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player 1:29:36
十字架的功课﹕事奉 (3) 孙国铎弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player 1:27:35
Lessons of the Cross: When We Are Young (1) Brother Dana Congdon listen online with Windows Media Player 1:03:47
Lessons of the Cross: When We Are Young (2) Brother Dana Congdon listen online with Windows Media Player 0:42:15
Lessons of the Cross: When We Are Young (3) Brother Dana Congdon listen online with Windows Media Player 1:22:41
诗歌(1) 吴何西弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player 1:27:35
诗歌(2) 吴何西弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player 1:22:41
诗歌(3) 吴何西弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player 1:27:35

第13届基督徒事奉特会 - 主题:异象,敬拜与事奉

题目 讲员 收听 时间
异象 (1) 江守道弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player 1:11:30
异象 (2) 江守道弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player 1:24:59
异象 (3) 江守道弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player 1:20:29
敬拜 (1) 陈希曾弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player 1:25:55
敬拜 (2) 陈希曾弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player 1:23:32
事奉 (1) 蓝培德弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player 1:06:12
事奉 (2) 蓝培德弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player 1:11:05
事奉 (3) 蓝培德弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player 1:25:17
专题 (1) 孙国铎弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player 1:46:08
专题 (2) 孙国铎弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player 1:36:47
专题 (3) 孙国铎弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player 1:44:52