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第一课  前言: 一条通往荣耀的路 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 1:34:23 mp3
第二课  出埃及、过红海--荣耀道路的起点 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 1:42:11 mp3
第三课  吃吗哪--认识神要求的重点 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 1:21:26 mp3
第四课  喝灵泉--靠认识神的供应而活 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 1:30:37 mp3
第五课  亚玛力人之战--对付肉体 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 1:23:38 mp3
第六课  金牛教--己的宗教 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 2:04:57 mp3
第七课  发怨言--对付舌头的功课 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 2:00:57 mp3
第八课  认识欲望--己的欲望 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 1:36:39 mp3
第九课  论断神的权柄--己的骄傲 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 1:44:16 mp3
第十课  不进迦南--己的自爱 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 1:52:52 mp3
第十一课  背叛神的权柄--己的背逆 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 1:46:54 mp3
第十二课  干犯神的政治--己的自信 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 1:25:50 mp3
第十三课  举铜蛇(复活的生命)--得胜的盼望 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 1:22:20 mp3
第十四课  亚摩利人之战--得胜的道路 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 1:38:56 mp3
第十五课  摩押及米甸的诡计--得胜的恩典 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 1:53:01 mp3
第十六课  分地(进入神丰盛的产业)--得胜的奖赏 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 1:11:56 mp3